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Global Construction Co LLC, - in Annapolis, MD

Global Construction Co LLC is a practicing in Annapolis, Maryland. This Contractor is listed on All contractors & builders with a speciality in Building & Home Construction.

You can reach us on phone number (410) 266-8520, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 115 Stone Point Dr, Annapolis, MD,

For full contact details to this contractor have a look at the the column to your right (or scroll if you're viewing this on a mobile device.)

Contractor Areas of practice

Global Construction Co LLC is listed under Building & Home Construction in Annapolis, Maryland .

Contact this Contractor to find out if they offer building, home construction, heavy construction, special trades contracting, window installation, plumbing, concrete/masonry jobs,gardening, interior design, B2B contracting, remodeling & repair, heating & Ventilating, electrics, roofing or painting jobs.

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Fees and & price range

There's currently no information available about fees or price range charged by Global Construction Co LLC.

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The information below about Global Construction Co LLC is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (410) 266-8520 to learn more.


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29 comments, questions or reviews - Add

bijoy rijal chetri asked a question

i have received a job offer from global construction.the recruitment officer is MR.TERRY McAuliffe as mentioned in the offer letter.i just want to make sure whether it's a true offer or scam

Written September 2016 on a Tuesday (2016-09-06)

Mumtaz ahmed asked a question

Respected sir, I applied in your Global Construction company for the post of Security Guard then your email replied and sent to me three form one is the "Employment application form " 2nd is the"visa application form" and third is the "work permit application form" i fill up and sent back to u. so know I want to know really you sent me these form?please ans me
Mumtaz Ahmed

Written December 2016 on a Sunday (2016-12-11)

Akanmu Adegoke wrote something

This is an inquiry concerning how to know the authenticity of offer letter received from your company.

Written December 2016 on a Sunday (2016-12-11)

Haris Sultan asked a question

Who is Mr Terry McAuliffe ? Recruitment Director ? In Global Construction ?
I got email from Mr Terry McAuliffe Infact I Applied For a & He Send me Offer letter, Please Tell Me Is that Scam Or Not ?

Written January 2017 on a Friday (2017-01-27)

Biren shah asked a question

I got a email from Mr Teery McAuliffe . Recruitment Director in global construction?
Please conform, is that a fraud?

Written February 2017 on a Friday (2017-02-17)

mr.lucky asked a question

Gdday sir,I equally got a mail from the same person and wanted to be sure whether this messages are SCAM. Pls,cld you use your good office on getting back to me on luckyekeneutu@gmail.com tks sir.

Written February 2017 on a Saturday (2017-02-25)

Azfar asked a question

I applied in Global Construction co for store keeper .
Terry McAuliffe,Director of this company accepted my CV is it genuine or scam?

Written May 2017 on a Thursday (2017-05-04)

Mackoy asked a question

I also applied in Global Construction co for store keeper .
Terry McAuliffe,Director of this company accepted my CV . I just want to know if this is genuine or scam? Please reply thanks.

Written May 2017 on a Friday (2017-05-05)

Ajinas asked a question

Am apply for a job. i have reply form this mail. i need confirm this is your team. i will attach the mail.
Recruitment Director of Field Operations.
Mr Terry McAuliffe.
Tell : +1714-584-8625.
Global construction Plc.

Written May 2017 on a Monday (2017-05-08)

Jason L. Manuel asked a question

I receive a mail from Global Construction Company, I applied for the position of Store keeper, but the mail already send me an offer letter in fact asking the copy of my passport,. I just want to know if it is true because no interview for me yet, Please answer my question, thank you very much and more power.

Written May 2017 on a Monday (2017-05-08)

Muhammad Amir Abbas asked a question

I have same mail from Mr. Terry. Please confirm that.

Written May 2017 on a Friday (2017-05-12)

tareqowadate@gmail.com asked a question

Am conntacting Mr. Terry McAuliffe rrcrutment manager in PLC
IS IT. TRUE.....???????
Plwase answar me because i wanna pay mony to the delivery company in Cameron HLD

Written May 2017 on a Monday (2017-05-15)

Joseph asked a question

I was applying for plant Operator job and i sent three form and send it back is it scam or genuine job in your company

Written May 2017 on a Tuesday (2017-05-16)

B.KUMAR asked a question

Dear sir/madam
I got the below mail from GLOBAL CONSTRUCTION PLC, PLease confirm this mail is true or fraud one.

"Dear Applicant,

Accept Warm Greetings from the Entire staff of the Global
Construction Plc USA. we received your Qualification document CV and
are Happy to inform you that it has been approved and Qualified to
work with our Esteem Organization here in USA as a New worker
So Below is a very Light interview for you to Answer such that we
can proceed with the terms and conditions of the Job Offer and we
shall give you your salary package and also how your relocating to
your New Institution here in USA will be followed okay

Full Names..............?
Country of origin ..............?
Current Country .............?
Nationality .................?
Current Home Address ..............?
Permanent Home Address...............?
Tell or Best contact number ...................?
Do you smoke................?
Do you drink ............?
You're married .................?
Do you take any drugs …………….?a
How old are you........................?
Are you currently employed ................?
What position are you Applying for...........?
Are you applying for full-time or part-time ............?
Have you Been to the United states Before .................?
Are you ready to Come and work in the United States......?
What are your hobbies is that you like and what not ??
Do you have any Relative in the US.....?

I would love to know this so that we can proceed with the terms of
Employment and more information about us and your offer with our

Thanks .

On 5/18/17, kumar kumar wrote:
> Dear sir/madamPlease find the attached resume for the post of accounts in
> your esteemed organisation, i request you please go through the attachment
> and may i have your favourable reply in this regard.Kind regardsB.Kumar -
> INDIA+91 8095196007 


*​**Recruitment Director of Field Operations.*
*Mr **Terry McAuliffe**.*
*Tell : +1714-584-8625.*
*Global construction Plc.*

Written May 2017 on a Friday (2017-05-19)

Babar Ahmad asked a question

I recied an email for job appointment to your company. You corfirm me that is true or not????

Written May 2017 on a Saturday (2017-05-27)

jabulani chinzodzi asked a question

I.applied for a job of boilermaker plater welder I received same mail type from terry, mc aullef is it scam or a response where im suppose to fill answers. Please help

Written August 2017 on a Friday (2017-08-04)

Ansal asked a question

I have received a job offer from global construction for the post of civil engineer. the recruitment officer is MR.TERRY McAuliffe as mentioned in the offer letter.i just want to make sure whether it's a true offer or scam

Written August 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-08-09)

ali al hasan asked a question

I received a letter of employment with:
*Recruitment Director of Field Operations*
*Mr **Terry McAuliffe**.*
*Tell : **+1 714-584-8625 <%2B1%20443-687-8313>*
*Global construction PLC.*

And the origin of their message by announcing the need for employees
Please let me know if this is a fact or a scam

Written August 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-08-09)

balkar singh asked a question

Who is Mr Terry McAuliffe ? Recruitment Director ? In Global Construction ?
I got email from Mr Terry McAuliffe Infact I Applied For a & He Send me Offer letter, Please Tell Me Is that Scam Or No

Written August 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-08-09)

omar ramadan asked a question

I have received a job offer from global construction,i just want to make sure whether it's a true offer or scam.

Written August 2017 on a Wednesday (2017-08-09)

GOHUL G asked a question

I got an e.mail from Mr Terry McAuliffe Infact I Applied For a & He Send me Offer letter, Please Tell Me Is that Scam Or No.

Written August 2017 on a Sunday (2017-08-13)

Remon Magdy asked a question

I have received a job offer from global construction Maryland as civil engineer ,i just want to make sure whether it's a true offer or scam.?

Written August 2017 on a Sunday (2017-08-13)

Roykuttikrishnan asked a question

I got a mail from Terry mc Auliffe infact I applied for job he is a recruitment Director in global construction company in USA is this true?

Written August 2017 on a Monday (2017-08-14)

.. asked a question

I got same email from Recruitment Director of Field Operations.**
*Mr **Terry McAuliffe** is it true or scam?

Written August 2017 on a Monday (2017-08-14)

mohamed galal ahmed shalby asked a question

I received an email from the company accepting my offer to work as a secure member of the company
Would you like to know if this offer is real or not?

Written August 2017 on a Monday (2017-08-14)

Rejo Reji asked a question

I also applied in Global Construction co for store keeper .
Terry McAuliffe,Director of this company accepted my CV . I just want to know if this is genuine or scam? Please reply thanks. 11-March-2018

Written March 2018 on a Monday (2018-03-12)

Deepak kumar asked a question

my visa cum time cum and visa fees

Written March 2018 on a Wednesday (2018-03-21)

Deepak kumar asked a question

helo sir i dot no shipng compny plages send gmail my fisa and air ticket
iam wat ur answar

Written March 2018 on a Saturday (2018-03-31)

Marwa Ali asked a question

I received a job offer by mail from Mr. Terry Mcaulife .. I wanna know if this offer is scam or not

Written May 2018 on a Thursday (2018-05-24)

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Global Construction Co LLC

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Global Construction Co LLC
115 Stone Point Dr
Annapolis, MD 21401

Contact Global Construction Co LLC to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed hours are general only. Call (410) 266-8520 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (410) 266-8520
Fax: No listed fax number.

Email address

No listed email address.

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