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Budrovich Excavating CO, - in St Louis, MO

Budrovich Excavating CO is a practicing in St Louis, Missouri. This Contractor is listed on All contractors & builders with a speciality in Heavy Construction.

You can reach us on phone number (314) 892-3030, fax number (314) 892-6105 or email address . Our office is located on 10328 Lake Bluff Dr, St Louis, MO,

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Contractor Areas of practice

Budrovich Excavating CO is listed under Heavy Construction in St Louis, Missouri .

Contact this Contractor to find out if they offer building, home construction, heavy construction, special trades contracting, window installation, plumbing, concrete/masonry jobs,gardening, interior design, B2B contracting, remodeling & repair, heating & Ventilating, electrics, roofing or painting jobs.

Pro tip Browse Contractors and builders in St Louis, Missouri by contractor job and category.

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Heavy Construction in St Louis
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Heating & Ventilating Contractors in St Louis

Fees and & price range

There's currently no information available about fees or price range charged by Budrovich Excavating CO.

Contractor qualifications

The information below about Budrovich Excavating CO is optional and only visible if provided by the owner. Call (314) 892-3030 to learn more.


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Heavy Construction

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1 comments, questions or reviews - Add

EDDIE JAY NOSSER JR wrote something

Eddie (Jay) Nosser
5087 Deana Dr.
House Springs, MO 63051
(636) 575-8514
(314) 973-2061

Personal Profile
Independent worker with a positive work ethic. Highly motivated with attention
to detail. Able to handle physical and mentally challenging tasks and takes pride
in a job well done.

Orchard Farm High School Orchard Farm, MO Graduating Class of 2008

Work History

Cannon Utility Services Position: Drill Operator
1602 Centerville Ave. Employed: Feb 2015 till Present
Belleville, IL 62220

True Manufacturing Position: Parts, Prefab And
900 Intergram Dr. Major Repairs Pacific MO 63069 Employed: Feb 2014 to Oct.2015

Walmart (636) 253-5021 Position: Inventory Management Ridge Point Dr. Employed: Feb 2010 till Feb 2014 High Ridge, MO 63049
Top Notch Masonry Position: Laborer/Tuck Pointer 7754 Local Hillsboro Rd. Employed: May 2008 till Jan 2010 Cedar Hill, MO 63016
Work Experience and Skills
Currently employed by Cannon Utility Services. Started as general laborer and 9 months later move to drill operator position. Daily operations include driving GMC C5500 flatbed w/24’ deck over trailer to job site, have CDL permit and preparing for CDL Class A w/air brake restriction license exam, deciding drill set-up location and what would be the most efficient way to make the shot. Have experience operating DITCH WITCH JT2020 MACH 1, VERMEER D10X15, CAT 305D MINI EXCAVATORS, CAT 420E BACK HOE, JOHN DEERE 317 SKID STEER, DITCH WITCH MX45 MINI EXCAVATOR, familiar with DIGI TRAC F2 & F5 locating systems.

While employed at True manufacturing. Have experience building all part for refrigeration units inside and out. Foamed units with foaming agent for insulation. Installed evaporators and coil of units including mounting and silver brazing. Wired unit elements, lights, door switches, and defrost timers from wiring diagrams. Can perform nearly every job duty on the line. Comfortable in extreme working temperatures.

While employed by Walmart had 3 years in shipping and receiving while maintaining an accident free career and safely providing and maintaining a good clean work environment for all employees, vendors and customers. Mechanically inclined and have experience with wide variety of hand held tools. Maintains inventory accuracy by picking, binning, packing, receiving, and stocking freight with hand held tracking scanners. Can effectively lead train and coach co-workers. Have had training for safely handling and clean-up of hazardous materials.
Advanced to Support Manager of the Stock Area.

While employed by Top Notch Masonry work as a laborer. Sand blasting, grinding, mixing masonry and learning tuck pointing. Left due to business closure.

Certified by True Manufacturing
Foam Gun Operations: Expanding foam operation, care, & safety
Silver Brazing: Copper to copper and copper to steel
Resistance Welding: Welding operation, maintenance and safety
Wiring: Reading wiring diagrams

Certified by Walmart Certified operator of all hand jacks, electric power jacks, electric power lifts, forklifts, and scissor lifts.

Written June 2017 on a Monday (2017-06-12)

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Budrovich Excavating CO

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Budrovich Excavating CO
10328 Lake Bluff Dr
St Louis, MO 63123

Contact Budrovich Excavating CO to find out about hours of operation / office hours / business hours.

Office hours

Listed hours are general only. Call (314) 892-3030 to learn about office hours.

Monday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


Phone: (314) 892-3030
Fax: (314) 892-6105

Email address

No listed email address.

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